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Human Resources 12 Dec 2023

Five Work Trends We Saw in 2020 to 2023

user-img David Ozi Borg
As we reflect back to 2020, we can see how the current integration into a post-pandemic workplace has permanently altered.. Ranging from increased contractual flexibility to the more thorough application of automation & AI (although at BigWig we pride ourselves on our HUMAN touch), we’ve outlined 5 trends we’re currently witnessing in the workplace


The era of hybrid work is well & truly here. Whether this entails more flexible working hours or location-flexible days, the benefits of increased autonomy for employees is clear. A 2022 study from GALLOP  (The Advantages and Challenges of Hybrid Work ( showed that 58% of participants indicated a reduction in work-based fatigue, as well 71% claiming an improved work-life balance. In 2017, it was estimated that $125-190 billion was spent annually in the US healthcare system to treat physical & psychological issues caused by burnout at work (Employee Burnout Is a Problem with the Company, Not the Person ( Hybrid work isn’t a one way street either. Managers benefit from more loyal & productive employees, as they appreciate the consideration of their wellbeing. Additionally, in a world that is becoming more aware of our responsibility towards environmental sustainability, hybrid work helps reduce carbon emission rates, as individuals aren’t as reliant on transport to get to work.


Skills gap

Experts are now claiming that we are in ‘the fourth industrial revolution’, which details the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital & biological worlds (Philbeck & Davis, 2018). In this increasingly digital era, the global workforce is struggling to adapt to the constantly evolving skills demanded by the market. A survey found that 76% of the global workforce don’t feel equipped to operate in increasingly digital workplaces ( There are three methods to bridge this skills gap & ‘future-proof’ your workforce, these are: reskilling- helping workers transition into a new role, upskilling- adding new skills to a worker’s skillset, and digital training- perhaps the most topical, as it helps develop the digital skills required to be effective in the modern workplace.

Rising focus on sustainability


It is clear when observing companies’ ethos towards environmental sustainability that a shift is occurring from large transnational corporations to small sole traders, who are# attempting to contribute, to varying degrees, to a more sustainable future. For the 2022-23 window, Gartner polled more than 400 senior business leaders regarding their top 3 priorities for their companies. Unsurprisingly growth was the focal priority for the majority of participants, however one area that saw a large rise from the same survey completed the prior year was environmental sustainability which saw a 292% rise. This landed it in 9th most prioritised business area, up from 13th. With discourse surrounding climate change only becoming more prominent, expect to see a rising focus on sustainability in the immediate future.


Workplace inclusivity

Inclusivity in the workplace should already be a non-issue leading into 2023, however for a lot of companies, there is still significant progress to be made. Workplace inclusivity helps take the ‘me’ out of ‘team’, as it connects one individual at a time to make a united team that are comfortable working alongside each other. This is done by other staff & managers showing care & consideration to an individual's culture, interests & beliefs, fostering a safe, inclusive work environment. One way a manager can help reinforce notions of inclusivity is through mandatory diversity training, this helps promote awareness and skills that can be used to prevent any unintentional isolation of staff by their team.

Soft skills

Building a strong range of soft skills allows a worker to be malleable, moving between specifications & responsibilities, an essential for the tumultuous job landscape of 2023. Soft skills encapsulate the abilities that influence how you work & interact with co-workers and clients. Strong soft skills like tolerance, conflict resolution & active listening are essential to fostering an inclusive workplace, whilst similarly being applicable when negotiating sales or giving effective customer service. Unlike hard skills, which detail the ability to having the knowledge to complete physical/technical tasks, soft skills are finite, meaning they need to be utilised or else an individual’s ability to use said skill will diminish. Hard & soft skills work in tandem. This is prominent in the tech sector, where hard skills are actually more finite than soft skills, as 33% of tech sector professionals claimed in a survey, that within two years skills would be outdated (, therefore, soft skills are imperative in the upkeep of performance.

The post-pandemic workplace has undergone lasting changes, including increased flexibility, addressing the skills gap, rising focus on sustainability, promoting workplace inclusivity, and valuing soft skills. Hybrid work offers autonomy and work-life balance, while reskilling and upskilling bridge the digital skills gap. Companies are increasingly prioritising sustainability efforts, and inclusivity fosters a united and supportive work environment. Soft skills are crucial for adaptability and effective communication. Embracing these trends and prioritising employee well-being will lead to a resilient and successful workplace in the dynamic job landscape of 2023.

David Ozi Borg

Co-Founder & COO BigWig Headhunters

» Connect with me on Linkedln

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