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Human Resources 02 Jan 2024

Industries being replaced by AI and what this means for future creatives

user-img David Ozi Borg
Conceptual 3D render of a robot and man in combat
AI advancements have undoubtedly brought significant benefits to various industries, but they also raised concerns about potential job displacement. 
Here are 5 real-world examples of jobs that are being threatened by AI, and how we think the future of creative industries will alter with AI.

Data Entry Clerks:

AI-powered data entry systems can automatically process and input vast amounts of data with high accuracy, reducing the need for manual data entry clerks. These systems can scan documents, extract relevant information, and populate databases efficiently. For instance, companies like UiPath and Automation Anywhere offer AI-driven robotic process automation (RPA) solutions that streamline data entry tasks.

Customer Support Representatives:

AI chatbots and virtual assistants have become increasingly sophisticated, handling routine customer queries and providing instant responses. By utilizing natural language processing, these chatbots can mimic human conversation effectively. Major companies like Amazon and Apple have incorporated AI-powered chatbots into their customer support systems to handle basic inquiries and improve response times.

Assembly Line Workers:

In manufacturing industries, AI-powered robots and cobots (collaborative robots) are being used to automate assembly line tasks, such as product assembly and quality control. These robots can work alongside human workers, enhancing efficiency and precision. For instance, companies like Fanuc and ABB manufacture industrial robots that are widely used in manufacturing processes. This has potential to change manual labour in hazardous conditions of fashion industries worldwide, particulary if fast fashion corporations prioritise investment into machinery rather than garment workers.

Drivers and Delivery Personnel:

The rise of autonomous vehicles, tested by Uber in 2015, and the advancements in drone technology mena there is gradually a threat impacting jobs that involve driving and delivery services. Self-driving cars and drones are being tested and deployed for tasks like package deliveries, which could potentially reduce the demand for human drivers and delivery personnel in the long run. Fully automated trains first opened in Kobe, Japan, back in 1981, and they are now operated in over 40 cities worldwide, including Copenhagen, Paris, Singapore, Dubai, and London.

Financial Analysts:

AI-powered algorithms are becoming increasingly adept at analyzing financial data and making investment decisions. For instance, hedge funds and investment firms are utilizing AI-based systems for data analysis and predictive modeling, potentially impacting the role of traditional financial analysts.

What does this mean for the future?

While AI may threaten job roles, it also creates new opportunities and demands for other skills. As technology continues to evolve, adapting to the changing job landscapes within creative industries and IT development are poised to evolve in tandem with AI, allowing professionals to harness technological potential while preserving the human touch and the unique problem-solving abilities of IT developers.

Ultimately, the synergy between AI and human creativity, coupled with the technical expertise of IT developers, holds the key to unlocking unprecedented levels of innovation, artistic expression, and cutting-edge software development, forging a promising future for all creative and IT professionals involved.

As we move into the next decade, creative industries and IT development are poised to evolve in tandem with AI, allowing professionals to harness the technology's potential while preserving the human touch and the unique problem-solving abilities of IT developers. Ultimately, the synergy between AI and human creativity, coupled with the technical expertise of IT developers, holds the key to unlocking unprecedented levels of innovation, artistic expression, and cutting-edge software development, forging a promising future for all creative and IT professionals involved.


David Ozi Borg

Co-Founder & COO BigWig Headhunters

» Connect with me on Linkedln

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